Thursday, March 21, 2013

St. Patricks Day Day 5/6

St. Patricks Day
Day 5/6

Vintage St. Patrick's Day redheaded woman sparkly graphic image photo HappyStPatDayWomanGownSparkle.gif
I was unable to blog over the last couple of days do to the AMAZING amount of Irish/St. Patricks Day goodness that has been occurring!! I know that St. Patricks Day is over but I am going to take today to post about the things my family and I have been doing over the course of these past days.

First off I will start with Saturday. Well actually it began Friday when I decided to have a small St. Patricks Day Dinner with my siblings and my little family. As of Friday it consisted of Myself, My Husband, My Daughter, Two Sisters ( it ended up they were not able to attend), My Brother, and My sister In Law. Due to the fact my two sisters not being able to come the last minute party got a little more manageable not to say I wouldn't be able to handle it on my own. When I do party's like these they are usually last minute. Although I am planning a summer party in July which will be alot more planned IT EVEN HAS A THEME! I will talk more about that later though we still need to get through this post a few birthdays and EASTER!!!

Back to Saturday I had been baking ALL day on Friday so most of the food deserts and treats were done including a platter of treats for Church (that we did not attend this week due to the St. Patricks Day parade in Toronto and a platter for my brothers in laws (that they requested after they found out I made Zucchini bread) the treats were a hit at the church I was told later that day EVERYTHING was eaten and there was ALOT! Then Saturday I began to cook instead of bake and here is what I made!

Irish Corned Beef 

This was the first time I had ever made corned beef so I followed the directions on the package. There were a few ways to cook it and one of them suggested poking holes in the packaging (bag the corned beef came in) and boiling it for a few hours. Since I had never boiled meat in a bag I decided I would try it this way. After boiling the meat it say you can bake the meat for 15 minutes on 400 degrees if you would like to brown the meat. When I took the meat out of the boiling water it didn't look very appealing so I decided that might be a good idea once the 15 minutes were up it looked delicious!

I also made whole boiled potato's  Basically all you do is peel the potato and boil it until it is soft add some butter and there you go. back home my Mamaws and Aunts boil green beans half potatos and a few slices of bacon salt and pepper and holy YUMMY!! But that is more of a southern thing.... I think.

Along with that I made Irish Soda Bread I had made this before but for some reason didn't turn out so great this time I'm going to blame my new oven that I am not use to yet. Here is a recipe from one of my cousins that turned out great!

 Irish Soda Bread

4 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sugar
6 table spoons soften butter
1 3/4 cup buttermilk
Extra buttermilk to brush on loaves before baking

Rub loaves with extra buttermilk, place on greased & floured baking sheet then bake at 375 for 1 hr or till golden brown

Here is a picture of her bread.

One Had raisins in it and one was plain.

I had to add a little south to the evening by making Garlic Butter Drop biscuits as an appetizer

2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup butter or margarine (or less; down to 2 tablespoons should be okay)
1 cup water

Butter mixture ingredients
1/4 cup of butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon garlic

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately 215-220 degrees Celsius).

Mix all together starting with wet ingredients and drop onto a greesed baking sheet in a microwave safe bowel melt 1/4 cup butter 1/2 teaspoon salt or less and 1 tablespoon garlic in the microwave and rub on top of the biscuits and bake for 15 minutes or until golden.     

I also made some Sweet tea to go with dinner another little southern twist.

^^ A clear view of the deserts and treats and Irish Soda bread

^^ the left side are the biscuits the right side is the Corned beef

^^ A slightly better view of everything top left corned beef just below it whole potatos top right biscuits  just below them brown sugar boiled carrots below the carrots are the potato cakes (I know ALOT of potato but hey it was an Irish Dinner ;) below the whole potatos is the homemade sweet tea below that is the soda bread and at the very bottom is all the treats and deserts. Everyone left full and happy and I still have a ton of left overs that I am going to freeze for my lunches while Hubby is at work!

All the prep took pretty much all day especially with an infant but was totally worth it! After dinner we began getting ready for our busy REAL St. Patricks Day Festivity's.

Sunday March 17th it has finally come HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!!!!
we woke up at like 7am just to get ready for the St. Patricks Day Parade in Toronto! 
It was AMAZING probably better than any other Christmas parade because there was so much love and loyalty to ones country I have not felt that much love for a country since I lived in the states it was beautiful! here are a few pictures from the festival.

That's my handsome Husband and beautiful Daughter ^^

From here down are Photos of Two Irish men that won over the X Factor competition there Name is Jeward and below all of the photos I will be providing you with a youtube video or two of these two fellas.

 I thought they were really cool even though they are becoming famous they are still real and still take the time to get their photos taken with their fans. I have to say I really love their hair <3

Just because St. Patricks Day is over doesn't mean we have to stop listening to Irish Pub Music share the love!

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